Okay, not from completely scratch though, in this Article you are going to learn to build a simple face detection and recognition console based application using Opencv python and Deeplearning Before Starting: If you don't have enough time to read the whole article or you are too lazy to read articles Scroll all the way down and there is source code at last heading Resources. If you really love to learn step by step, there are lots of comments inside the code. I highly recommand you to read and go through it And at last, Don't panic :D Lets start: Installing Libraries: dlib (by davis king) Face_recognition (by adam geitgey ) (wraps around dlib’s facial recognition functionality making it to work easily with dlib) we also need to install imutils. Actually imutils is used to make basic image processing functions such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV but we will be using it to maintain di...